Obamacare/ACA/Healthcare.gov repeal is being voted on TODAY. CALL YOUR SENATORS If you don't know your Senator's names, call anyway. The switchboard has an easy (enter your zip code) way to get to the right people.
US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
If you have the 5 minutes available, call both Senators and your Representative. The more stats they have, the easier it is to convince their colleagues not to go through with repeal. More is DEFINITELY better. It’s especially important to call these Republicans who are waffling:
MAINE: Senator Susan Collins - (202) 224-2523
OHIO: Senator Rob Portman - (202) 224-3353
TENNESSEE: Senator Bob Corker - (202) 224-3344
ALASKA: Senator Lisa Murkowski - (202) 224-6665
LOUISIANA: Senator Bill Cassidy - (202) 224-5824 If you’re in one of those states, get as many people as you can to CALL. If you’re not in one of those states, call anyway. Get their phones ringing off the hook. They want to be re-elected. Enough calls will scare them into thinking they won’t be.