Sorry for the super-short diary, but I’d like to make a proposal to help bring more light to candidates running down-ticket. As we all know, the site is pretty much All Presidential Election All The Time these days. Yes, I know there are exceptions, but the vast majority are presidential race diaries. What this means is that the down-ballot races get short shrift. I don’t think anyone’s going to be changing the balance of topics any time soon, so in order to bring better visibility to the races that are getting little to no coverage, I’d like to make a proposal:
In every comment you post, in every diary, include at the bottom the name and (if available) web site or news article link for a down-ballot candidate you support. For example:
Here’s a great person running for Senate in NH: Maggie Hassan
Why in every comment?
There are two reasons — it increases visibility, resulting in more people becoming aware of great, under-reported candidates, and it increases their search engine rankings, making them more likely to show up at the top of the results when local people search for info about people running for office in their state. It’s a win-win.